Green superfood is just a sprinkle away…!

Unusual green food can be daunting enough, let alone eating a mouthful of pure powdered grass or algae! At first, we used barely a dusting of these strange, colourful powders on our food, but now… we could eat this stuff by the spoonful!

Our breakfast last week! (Super-powders with yogurt, cereal, goji and blueberries.)

Why would two dancers start tinting their breakfasts green?
A few years ago, during our time in California, we discovered and fell in love with green powders. Basically all they are is a bunch of green leaves or algae that are dehydrated, then powdered. Who doesn’t love a concentrated nutrient hit?!

Often we are too tired or too busy to prepare something awesome and nutritious to eat on our rehearsal days (or performance nights), so having a big hit of GREEN nutrients is one of the greatest fail-safes we have in our diet. We really do get excited about eating this stuff!

Some types we only admire, after reading the price tags, but others are more affordable (even in Singapore) and we believe it is totally worth it.

Why do we need all that extra green?
The colour green is so important in our diets, but often neglected. Green foods (high in chlorophyll) are detoxifying, energy boosting, body alkalizing, and densely nutritious… the benefits go on and on! Once your body figures out what’s going on, you will want to eat it more, and over time begin to really love the different tastes of green.

There are several types of powdered greens you can buy. In Singapore we have seen powdered wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, and chlorella. (Spirulina is quite strong tasting, but we love that now too.) We recently picked up three tubs of powdered wheatgrass for 50% off on quick-sale at our regular supermarket – total deal !!!! (And, with such abundance, we admit that our ‘teaspoon’ serving has become very over-sized now…)

Fresh food is always best – but not always the most convenient. We have feel that having green powders on our breakfast every morning is an effective supplement to our diet. Being dancers, our bodies are constantly under a lot of stress and it has definitely helped us deal with it. Since we’ve started using it we haven’t been sick as much as we used to and we feel we recover much faster from difficult rehearsals. We look forward to eating it, and always feel happier afterwards. It brightens us up every morning!

Which powders are we eating right now?
At the moment we have a whopping FOUR superfood powders finding their way into our bowls at breakfast. That’s a lot, even for us! We mix them into yogurt, in drinks, or on breakfast cereals. (Or try adding them into a power porridge recipe!) Our collection consists of an incredible multi-mix called Vital Greens, Wheatgrass, Maca, and Cocoa with cordyceps & reishi mushroom. We try to restrict ourselves (especially as some were gifts), but we admit to sometimes scooping out all four in the morning, especially on hard dancing days!

Not all super-powders have to be green?
Of course there are other kinds of super-powders that are NOT green, featuring different types of fruits, plants, or mushrooms. We have maca powder (an ancient peruvian root that acts as an adaptogen, balancing the body systems, and boosting immunity and vitality), and ‘CocoCeps’ – cocoa mix with cordyceps & reishi mushrooms  (cordyceps increases energy, and reishi promotes longevity).

You can also investigate oddities like acai berry, purple corn, camu camu, goji berry, yacon root and various tasty mixed powders. They are all easy to use (not to mention fun and exotic!) and said to be powerful boosters to the health of your body. Yes they can be expensive, but so are multivitamin pills (and doctors bills!). Check them out, educate your taste buds, and give them a try!

Go shopping and exploring online:
Here are some links to some great online stores that sell green and superfood powders online (there are many more, too). Otherwise, most healthfoods stores, and some grocery stores, usually have some types available.

(our favourite mixed powder blend)

USA (CocoCeps mix)



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