Wilkommen! We have arrived at our first stop in Germany – Berlin.
This is a new kind of trip for us, and not just because we finally made it to Europe. We are here with no agenda, no work, no auditions… just exploring and experiencing. (This is our honeymoon after all!)
Some of our favourite things we did:
- Schloss Charlottenburg – with the softest lawn and spring flowers (and then the seriously full-on decorated interior)
- City Centre walking tour – the Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, Holocaust memorial etc. Such a humbling feeling to physically stand in locations with so much history.
- Local food – Currywurst, lots of bakeries and Cakes, Ka De We food hall (so much chocolate!) Also local strawberry and asparagus shopping at market stalls.
- Walking/taking a boat along the river Spree – so nice to take a break along the water and watch the locals enjoying their ‘beach’.
- Museum Island to stare at a lot of mind-blowingly old stuff (including Egyptian artefacts) at the Neues Museum.
- The architecture and sheer age of some of the buildings (and also what it has taken to rebuild what was lost)… Particularly amazing to us Australians.
The biggest thing we came away with was a huge admiration for how far Berlin has come since the wars … Some of the ‘before and after’ pictures over the past century are truly incredible.
Traveling helps to open your mind; seeing how people live and understanding their history makes us more open, compassionate, and tolerant.
We are so grateful to be on this adventure! Bis später!
What magnificent, towering, oh, so decadent-looking cakes! Bring some back.