Jicama – the best unknown veggie!

Do you know what this is?

You really should! This is Jicama, one of our absolute favourite vegetables – we always have one in the fridge… and most people don’t know even what it is! It is refreshing, crunchy, slightly sweet, and easy to prepare… you have to try it!

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Mid-Autumn Mooncakes, and lots of Lanterns…

What are all these mooncakes and pomelos? And why is Chinatown covered in lanterns? It’s the Mid-Autumn festival! (Or ‘lantern’ or ‘mooncake’ festival…) We had never heard about this Chinese celebration before we moved to Singapore, and have really looked forward to it this year.

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What can a cat teach us about heating and cooling our homes?

Romeo in the Sun

This looks like a nice warm spot for Romeo.

Imagine it is a cool winters day. The sun is shining, but, our cat, Romeo is rather cold. Where does he go? He finds a nice spot in the sun. This is the simplest aspect of heating your house with the sun. You might say it is rather obvious but houses really aren’t designed to make the most use of this simple idea.Romeo is Cold


One of the latest books we have read in our quest for knowledge has been “The Solar House” by Daniel Chiras, about ‘passive solar’ heating and cooling. If you don’t know what a ‘passive solar‘ house is don’t worry because you aren’t alone. It is a term that is relatively new to us but if you are looking to design or build a house, some day, it is something worth knowing about. Continue reading

Dancing under a Singaporean sky

Ballet Under the StarsDancers are used to performing in theatres, not temporary tents with portaloos, changing weather, and wildlife! Performing outdoors can be an adventure, but there is something extra special about it too. How awesome to watch a butterfly weave in and out of the wings, and feel the excitement as daylight fades and show time approaches? It almost makes up for the mud and the bathroom situation (!).
These are the challenges of dancing outdoors in tropical Singapore…

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Two New Roots – Lotus Root and Burdock Root

Lotus Root and Burdock Stir-fryIt has been really exciting for us to live in Singapore. When we go to the supermarket there are so many different fruits and vegetables for us to try. Some we know in the US and Australia in their preserved forms (water chestnuts and bamboo shoots) and others are completely foreign to us.

It’s always an adventure to try these new things and the latest ingredients to grace our plates are lotus root and burdock root. Continue reading

Green superfood is just a sprinkle away…!

Unusual green food can be daunting enough, let alone eating a mouthful of pure powdered grass or algae! At first, we used barely a dusting of these strange, colourful powders on our food, but now… we could eat this stuff by the spoonful!

Our breakfast last week! (Super-powders with yogurt, cereal, goji and blueberries.)

Why would two dancers start tinting their breakfasts green?
A few years ago, during our time in California, we discovered and fell in love with green powders. Basically all they are is a bunch of green leaves or algae that are dehydrated, then powdered. Who doesn’t love a concentrated nutrient hit?!

Often we are too tired or too busy to prepare something awesome and nutritious to eat on our rehearsal days (or performance nights), so having a big hit of GREEN nutrients is one of the greatest fail-safes we have in our diet. We really do get excited about eating this stuff!

Some types we only admire, after reading the price tags, but others are more affordable (even in Singapore) and we believe it is totally worth it.

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How to bake fresh bread while rehearsing a ballet…

We are in the studio rehearsing our latest show. A glance at the clock says it’s 1:45. No wonder we’re hungry – it’s nearly lunch! When 2 o’clock comes around and we walk into the common room a glorious aroma reaches our nostrils. It’s our freshly baked bread – from our slow cooker!

This is a quick bread made with half millet and half chickpea flour.

That’s right – we bake our own bread, at work, without an oven! It’s a wonderful thing to sit down to a lunch of nice warm bread with hummus and sprouts – or just Vegemite for that matter. Continue reading

Welcome to Dancing Greenly!


We are excited and happy to present ‘Dancing Greenly’.

There is so much to discover, so much to say, and so much to do.. and we want to share it with you!

Explore our blog – read more about us here, and see what interests us here. (Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter). We post about food, dance, yoga, nature, green living, and our plans for the future.

We feel lucky to have each other – encouraging one another, and dreaming big together. We love to explore the world around us, and the endless possibilities… Hope you visit us again soon!